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CFA: Say No to Good Cause Eviction

Posted by GCAR on May 14, 2021

Take Action Now! The Albany Common Council is Considering a Proposal Which Will Make it Harder for Albany Tenants to Find Affordable Housing

Your action is needed! The Albany Common Council is considering a proposal that will make it harder for tenants in Albany to find quality, affordable housing. The proposal, Local Law F of 2021, would disincentivize landlords from making much-needed upgrades to their properties. If this law goes into effect, it will also greatly limit a landlord’s property rights and could force them to sell their properties, taking much-needed affordable housing off the market in the City of Albany.

ACT NOW! Please send this message to your Common Council member and tell them that you are opposed to Local Law F because you believe the City should attract more housing opportunities in Albany, not pass laws that stifle housing growth.

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