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Blast from the Past: Jacquelyn Whitbeck, 2003 GCAR President

Posted by GCAR on March 25, 2020

Jacquelyn has been a full-time Realtor for 30 years in Rensselaer County. Previously she was a paralegal and says she loves both of her chosen professions. She has been married for 50 years has two grown boys and five grandchildren, two golden retrievers, a cat, and a horse.

Her favorite thing about being GCAR President was the total experience.  Being involved in decisions that impacted 3000+ Realtors and their livelihood was HUGE!  Of course, the trips to Washington and New Orleans were the fun part, which will always be remembered with a smile.

While president, Jacquelyn learned to run her real estate career like a business rather than just working hard day after day. “Since we are all independent contractors, we are the ones that need to take time to plan, strategize, and implement a business plan to keep our daily on track,” she said.

Her advice to new Realtors is to get involved in GCAR and its various committees, programs, and training.  She said, “It enhances your real estate career in so very many ways. By participating you get to meet in person the agents that you will be working within sales/purchases – it makes such a difference!”

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