Residential Plumbing for Real Estate Professionals
CE Credit: 3
Instructor: Don Clendaniel, Carey Home Inspection
Water is essential for life. A working plumbing system is required for a house to be considered habitable. This includes a clean drinking water source and proper disposal of wastewater. Plumbing systems are often not given much thought unless a leak is discovered. Neglected plumbing resulting in leaks or backups account for one of the most common and expensive insurance claims in the United States. Identification of water sources, plumbing components, and wastewater removal systems is important when purchasing a home. This class will highlight how the plumbing system works, common issues, and preventative measures to look for when buying a home.
Included in your GCAR membership dues (AKA free for GCAR members)
Non-member rates
$15 per CE credit hour