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Become a Realtor®

You need:

  1. An active NY real estate license associated with a GCAR member Broker.
  2. A completed GCAR membership application.
  3. Pay dues
  4. Attend new member orientation within 60 days

*Please Note: Access to Global MLS requires a separate application process.


All dues are pro-rated based on the month you join GCAR, so you only pay for services received. Dues are billed annually. Realtor® dues are not refundable.

For more information about NAR dues, click here; for more information about NYSAR membership, click here.

Notice About Expired Membership
If your GCAR membership has expired, you need to contact GCAR during business hours via phone (518-464-0191) or in-person for reinstatement.

Contact Member Services


Phone: 518-464-0191

Dues FAQs

How do I renew online?

Our online renewal page is here. Please note: Online renewal for active members is only available during renewal season, which begins in November and runs until the deadline of each year.

Can I make payments?

GCAR collects the dues fees for all three associations and is responsible for dispersing the monies to the proper organizations by a certain date. For this reason we require payment in full.

Do I have to pay NYSAR and NAR?

Yes, being a member of a local association also requires state and national membership.

Do I have to pay RPAC?

RPAC is a voluntary investment and is not a requirement. The RPAC fundraising year is aligned with the calendar year. Investments made on your dues bill will be credited and recognized for the year in which they are collected.

If I pay my dues and then later put my license into an inactive status, can I get a refund?

No, dues are non refundable.

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