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Legislative Update – September/October

Posted by GCAR on September 23, 2020

NY Courts extend eviction moratorium until October 1
A new directive, issued by New York State Chief Administrative Judge, mandates that no existing or new residential eviction warrants can be executed until October 1 at the earliest. Last week, Governor Cuomo signed a new order that continued a suspension on eviction proceedings through September 5. However, the state judge’s memo interpreting that order went a step further and extended the court’s pause on evictions weeks beyond that date. Read more here.

NAR urges Congress to support rental assistance
NAR joined a coalition of real estate industry groups to seek relief for multifamily properties. NAR is urging Congress to support rental assistance to ensure families that are financially struggling as a result of the pandemic do not lose their homes. This assistance should be provided directly to housing providers to make their rent payments which will help ensure property owners are able to fulfill their financial obligations including mortgage payments, insurance, utilities, and taxes.

Read the Coalition Letter to Congress.

Governor Cuomo signs election reforms, allows all NYers to vote by mail
In early August, Governor Cuomo signed new election reforms into law allowing all New York voters to vote by absentee ballot for the general election if they are concerned about the risks of COVID-19. Voters are also allowed to request absentee ballots immediately, rather than having to wait until 30 days before Election Day. All ballots postmarked on the day of the election, November 3, will now also be counted. Read more here.

Make sure you are registered to vote #RealtorsVote
The deadline to register to vote or change your voting address is October 14. You can now request an absentee ballot from your local county board of elections if you are concerned with the risks of COVID-19. Your vote in this presidential election will also collectively determine the elections of a new state legislature, congress members, and the outcome of many local governments. That’s why #RealtorsVote.


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