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NAR Ethics: Looking Forward for Cycle 7

Posted by GCAR on January 21, 2022

Another year closes on the NAR Cycle 6 Code of Ethics requirement and opens on cycle 7 starting January 1, 2022. Though a tumultuous few years lay behind us, we prepare for whatever comes through new regulations going forward. Here are the changes for NAR’s cycle 7, and how GCAR and NAR will gather your ethics requirement in the next three years:

When does this cycle begin and end?
It begins January 1, 2022 and ends December 31, 2024.

What will count for this cycle?
GCAR holds courses that include or focus on the code of ethics once a month. For example, GCAR held 16 ethics courses throughout the year of 2021, and over 40 throughout cycle 6 as a whole. Taking any GCAR course course is free with your dues.

  • The certificates count as fulfilling the NAR ethics requirement outside of GCAR are as follows:
    • NAR
    • NYSAR
    • Any local NYS Real Estate Board (throughout the state)
    • The CE Shop
    • Manfred Real Estate Learning Center
    • Empire Learning
    • Keep Me Certified School of Real Estate
    • McKissock Learning
    • ICE (Institute for Continuing Education)


  • The certificates that do not count as fulfilling the NAR ethics requirement are as follows:
    • Sales Licensing course certificates
    • Brokers Licensing course certificates
    • USPAP certificates
    • Attorney-based course certificates

Why do we need this?
From NAR’s website: The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients’ best interests.

What happens if I don’t submit it before the cycle ends?
You risk suspension from GCAR and the MLS, forfeiting all benefits and privileges that go with access to both.

Where do I send my certificates?
To the Education Coordinator or Member Services Receptionist via email. If you took an ethics course with GCAR, you do not need to send the certificate to the staff. Tracking in-house courses for you is one of the many benefits you receive by joining GCAR. When you send a certificate, please format the email as follows:

  • Title the email “NAR Ethics Certificate Cycle 7”
  • Include your GCAR member number
  • Attach PDF or a picture of your certificate
  • Include your full name

How will I know if I’ve completed the requirement?
You can check if you have completed the current cycle’s requirement by going to your member services profile using your member number and password. On the dropdown button “History”, you will see “Your Education History”. After clicking that, go to “Personal Education Tracking”. There you will see the category based on the cycle, and under “Status” if you are “Pending” or “Completed”.

Points to remember:

  • The NAR and DOS cycles are two completely different matters that GCAR creates an intersection between
    • You belong to GCAR, who subsequently belongs to NAR. Their cycle is based on your membership, not on your license.
    • Your license is necessary to practice real estate transactions. Every two years (based on the day you received your license), you need to take 22.5 hours of CE. This INCLUDES ethics.
  • If you take a course outside of GCAR, you must send us the certificate. Please keep track of your certificate electronically or physically.
  • The NAR ethics requirement applies to all the following categories of REALTOR:
    • Attorneys
    • Appraisers
    • Agents
    • Brokers
    • Commercial Licensees
    • Inspectors

It is a new year for the Real Estate professionals who belong to GCAR. Though this can lead to new challenges, it can also create new heights for each and every one of you. We wish you all the luck in your oncoming education, hope that you learn wonderful things, and create new ways to better serve your clients!

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