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NYDOS UPDATE: New Courses within 22.5 CE Hour Requirement

Posted by GCAR on March 18, 2022

Effective September 21, 2022, as part of the 22.5 hours of continuing education required to renew both real estate salespersons and brokers will be required to complete at least 2 hours of instruction pertaining to implicit bias awareness and at least two hours of cultural competency training. Implicit bias is defined as the attitudes or stereotypes that affect an individual’s understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. Cultural competency is defined as understanding cultural norms, preferences, and challenges within our diverse communities.

Below lists the new requirements effective September 21, 2022:

  • Implicit Bias (2 hours)
  • Cultural Competency (2 hours)

The above requirements are added within the existing 22.5 hours to:

  • Law of Agency (1 hour or 2 hours if it is your first renewal) aka Agency
  • Recent Legal Matters (1 hour) aka Legal
  • Ethical Business Practices (2.5 hours) aka Ethics
  • Fair Housing (3 hours)
  • Elective Courses (11 hours) aka Electives (this can include any classes outside of your requirements)

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