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Global MLS Update

Posted by GCAR on March 8, 2019

As of April 15, Global MLS is live. Please be patient when calling the office. The staff is working hard to make sure everything is working properly. There may be a lag time in responses to routine service. We ask that you give messages and postings from the MLS staff your immediate attention.

As we prepare for the April 15th roll-out of the merged MLS databases, the following information is provided.
At noon today (4/12/19) the SAMLS system went into Read Only mode. The ENYR database will continue to be live throughout the conversion.
As a result of the amount of data imported from SA MLS, searches and numbers on Monday the Market Monitor will be higher than usual. There will be some duplicate listings, please feel free to send a listing correction on those noted. Staff will take appropriate action.
Initially, at the local MLS offices (Queensbury and Albany), response times may be somewhat slower than normal as there is there is a great deal of additional local staff work to be accomplished immediately following the roll-out on Monday morning. If you have issues with your information or listings on Monday, as always, the MLS staff is here to help, but we have also made arrangements with Black Knight (Paragon vendor) for additional support. Black Knight and staff contact information is below.
Support lines are open 7 AM to 9 PM CST
518-741-7004 or 518-464-8913
Please call or email Global MLS Tech Support Associate, Jason Hyatt
518-464-8913 X17
If there is a large volume of calls, contact via email may yield a faster response.
As a reminder, work will continue on the Global Purchase Contract. Many members welcomed most of the modifications from the Forms Committee; even more changes were made as a result of well-founded input received from members. The contracts currently used at ENYR and SAMLS will remain available for use on ZipForms. As always, brokers and agents may use any form(s) they choose for their business transactions.
Though currently executed contracts under SAMLS and ENYR MLS are enforceable under the Global MLS, counsel has advised that members send Sellers a letter or email advising them of the name change and request approval of their listing now being on the Global MLS listing service.
The Listing Input Data forms are not yet ready for use. They will be posted to the MLS documents and Zipforms once complete.
The Zipforms Library is scheduled to have updated forms available for use on Monday, April 15th. All Global MLS members shall have access to the new Global Library. Members will have 3 months to transfer transaction information from the former MLS library into the new system or personal files. After 90 days, files in the former libraries will be read-only. Current members will automatically be assigned to the new library. It will be available to select from the Forms Library drop-down.
All MLS forms are currently available on the MLS. At the top right of the MLS screen click on the link for MLS Documents and then on Global MLS “Do Not Use Until April 15 folder to review the documents.
Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work through the final steps of the project.

The following are the upcoming dates for the GCAR SAR MLS merger into Global. These dates will be significant and we wanted members to be aware. Please note some dates or locations might change.

Weeks of 2/15 – 3/1: Testing of the merged data and updates to the MLS system.

Week of 3/5: Data set is considered stable and ready for Parallel Processing.

Weeks of 3/5 – 4/11: Parallel Processing for SAR – their members can access the Paragon system, but still need to use SAMLS to enter listings. SAR members can see how their listings come through and check Flex saved searches.

Week of 3/25 – 4/11: ENYR members be able to access and review the new Paragon platform to familiarize themselves with any changes.

Week of 3/11: Global Documents and Rules and Regs will be released to the membership via MLS Documents on MLS site.

3/19: Broker Owner meeting.

3/19 – 3/22: MLS trainings throughout the region. Click here for the schedule.

Week of 4/11: As of 5 pm – Flex MLS is no longer available to add or change listings or searches or member information. It is only available for read, print, and search.

Our goal is to keep the Paragon site fully operational throughout this entire process. SAR members will not be in the Paragon system until Monday 4/11 unless they are secondary.


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